Testing Puree Foods Before Serving
Test Puree Foods Before Serving
Before serving puree food to consumers the food should be check for safety.
Testing may need to be tested after preparing, 15 minutes later and 30 minutes later depending on the type of food item.
To check for thinness and thickness of the puree food consistency.
Puree food can be tested with a fork. The puree food should sit on a mound on the fork.
Puree foods should not be runny.
The puree food should NOT flow freely through the prongs of a fork.
Puree food should hold its shape and be cohesive enough to sit as a mound on a spoon.
Puree foods should not be sticky.
Puree foods should easily fall off a spoon when the spoon is tilted.
Always seek medical advice from your doctor before making any changes to your diet.
Source: IDDSI.org
© The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative 2019 @ https://iddsi.org/framework. Licensed under the CreativeCommons Attribution Sharealike 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode. Derivative works extending beyond language translation are NOT PERMITTED.
This site is NOT the official IDDSI website
Posted in Nutrition Therapy