Italian Sausage Sandwich

Portion Size: ½ cup meat mixture on 1 roll

Ingredients: Yields: 8 servings

Ingredients Notes: 
8  French style rolls
2 pounds bulk lean Italian sausage (turkey)(Use bulk for texture modified diets) 
1 16-ounce can pizza sauce
1 8-ounce can mushrooms stems and piecesDrained. (optional)
2 medium green peppersWashed, trimmed and diced
12 ounces sliced low fat mozzarella cheese


Steps:Directions: Critical Control Point /Quality Assurance
1In a skillet, cook sausage till no ink remains. Drain fat.Cook until internal temperature reaches 165 F. 
2Stir in pizza sauce, green pepper, and mushrooms; heat through.
3Slice rolls in half. Spoon in meat mixture.
4Top with and cheese. 
5Place sandwiches in a shallow baking pan or on a baking sheet.
6Cover tightly with foil and heat in a 375 degree oven for 15 minutes or till cheese melts and sandwiches are hot.

Jacqueline Larson M.S., R.D.N. and Associates