
High Protein Supplements





“High Protein High Protein Supplements” is a cookbook full of delicious economical recipes your patients will love!

For some people, gaining or maintaining weight may be just as difficult as trying to lose weight. During times of stress or illness, getting enough calories and protein can be challenging. Decreased appetites along with increased caloric and protein needs can contribute to malnutrition. The elderly population, cancer patients and burn victims are all at increased risk for malnutrition. Malnutrition can lead to pressure injuries, weight loss, and increased risk for infections. Conditions such as Congestive Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Fractures, Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington Chorea, Surgical infections, Sepsis, and Hyperthyroidism may also cause increased need for calories and protein. Providing high-calorie and protein supplements is often necessary to improve nutritional status in individuals with these conditions. Malnutrition is a result of inadequate food and nutrient intake. Given adequate appetite along with sufficient resources to purchase and prepare food, most malnourished individuals can be rehabilitated with oral diet alone. Maximizing oral intake can improve overall health. Health care providers can help to improve nutritional status by providing optimal nutritious meals. If a patient’s nutritional needs are not being met, it may be necessary to enhance oral intakes by providing snacks and supplements.

Supplements are defined as commercial or prepared foods or beverages intended to supplement energy and protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and or fat intake. This book is full of homemade, economical, delicious alternative recipes to commercial supplements. Adding a wide variety of supplements can improve patient acceptance to prevent taste fatigue. Research has shown that malnutrition (also known as undernutrition) affects 30-50% of patients which in turn can lead to re-hospitalizations, longer hospital stays, and increased mortality rates.

Health care providers can effectively improve the nutritional outcomes of patients with nutritional interventions and monitoring systems. This cookbook is full of homemade, economical, delicious alternative recipes to commercial supplements. Adding a wide variety of supplements can improve patient acceptance to prevent taste fatigue. Each recipe includes a nutritional analysis. The book also includes a long list of “add-in” high calorie and high protein suggestions to fortify foods to increase nutritional content. The “add-in” foods also include a nutritional analysis. Stop wasting money on supplements your patients do not like.

Consumers will love the new tasty recipes!